Maelstrom enchant scroll drop
Maelstrom enchant scroll drop

maelstrom enchant scroll drop

In fact, the guild bank has roughly 200 scrolls of various flavors such that any Strength-based DPS will be covered whenever they get a glove upgrade until the end of the expansion.

maelstrom enchant scroll drop

I do this without worrying about whether the market will ever recover because A) it probably will recover at some point, but more importantly B) because I can use these myself, or my guild can in any case.

maelstrom enchant scroll drop

I bought all of the sub-50g enchanting scrolls listed in the pictures above, and have been stockpiling anything below 20g automatically. Never invest in something you would/could not end up using. It is a problem, that is, unless you follow my 2nd Commandment of Investing: The problem starts creeping up once you eliminate the uber-cheap and start working your way up to the, say, 33g-100g scrolls that cost 200g in mats. Just like any sort of speculation, there are risks involved… although the risk of buying 3g scrolls is pretty small. That scroll of Blocking should be at 144g minimum just to break even, but someone felt selling at a 141g loss was better than… just holding onto the scrolls for later?įundamentally, that is what enchant scroll speculation is asking you to do: purchase these uber-cheap scrolls and hold onto them for weeks/months until the supply of leveling-Enchanters dries up and the market returns to some semblance of normality. Is the average price of Hypnotic Dust 24s on your server? It fluctuates between 12g and 18g per pinch o’ dust on mine, although you probably wouldn’t know that based on the above picture. Enchant Shield – Blocking takes twelve (12) Hypnotic Dust to make and someone listed four (4) of them at 2.95g each. Some of those listings border on the criminally insane.

Maelstrom enchant scroll drop